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Dear friends in Christ,

"We were lucky and we were prepared."  This is how Norene Goplen, LDR
Disaster Coordinator in Washington and Oregon, described the northwest's

Through Norene, Lutheran Disaster Response is monitoring a 6.8 magnitude
earthquake that shook the Pacific Northwest yesterday, Ash Wednesday.  This
is the strongest earthquake to hit the area since 1949.  Thousands were
evacuated during the quake, which lasted less than a minute.

Lutheran Family Service of Oregon and Southwest Washington (Bruce Strade,
President) and Lutheran Social Services of Washington and Idaho (Roberta
Nestaas, President) are managing the assessment.

Initial reports indicate there has been light damage to homes, mostly
cracks in foundations and chimneys.  A number of older residential hotels
for the elderly have sustained damage, and some folks are in shelters.  One
death has been attributed to a heart attack.  Nearly 250 persons were
hospitalized, but there are no life-threatening injuries reported.   Five
houses were destroyed in the Renton area, where landslides blocked a river
that then backed into neighborhoods.

Contacts continue to be made with the Northwest District (The Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod), the Northwest Washington Synod and the Southwest
Washington Synods (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).

The "lucky" part of this earthquake is that it occurred some 30 miles below
the surface.  Despite the magnitude of the quake, the depth lessened the
amount of damage on the surface.  The "prepared" part of this earthquake
reflects the strict building codes that have been enforced since 1978 and
involvement with FEMA's "Project Impact."  This has, in essence, prepared
buildings for the eventuality of an earthquake.  New buildings "traveled
well" when the earth was heaving in waves.

This morning I spoke with the synod offices and social ministry
organizations, as well as the American Red Cross.  The conversations were
all very similar.  There is gratitude for the "lucky and prepared" nature
of this earthquake.  There is recognition that new needs will continue to
arise as assessments continue.  There is knowledge that the impact on the
vulnerable will be great, and that spiritual and emotional needs will
arise.  And there is comfort from knowing that sisters and brothers in
Christ across the country are offering prayers of support and concern.

Your in Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST (written on Thu, Mar  1, 2001,11:39 am).  Director for
  ELCA DOMESTIC DISASTER RESPONSE (Division for Church in Society) and
  LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE (a cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LC-MS)
  8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631  PHONE: 773-380-2822 FAX: 773-380-2493
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