

To: [log in to unmask]

Dear friends in Christ,

Once again the hearts of people have been filled with sorrow and grief
today as our country experiences attacks of terrorism.  I am writing to you
from New Mexico, where I am part of a Church World Service Emergency
Response Executive Committee meeting.

Lutheran Disaster Response (a cooperative ministry of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America and The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) is
working together with the interfaith community as part of a coordinated
response to these terrorist attacks.  We are asking our congregations to be
open for shelter and prayer, and asking our pastors and staff members to be
available for prayer and counseling.  At the moment communications are next
to impossible with our congregations, synods, districts, social ministry
organizations.  They will all be part of our response.  We are preparing
copies of materials to help children who have been traumatized by these

I ask you for your prayers for all who are affected by these attacks.  I am
also asking that your provide funding to help the church in it long-term
response.  Send your contributions to

    ELCA DOMESTIC Disaster Response - "September 11th Attack"
    PO Box 71764
    Chicago, Illinois 60694-1764

        Credit card gift line:  1-800-638-3522
        Credit card gifts via the web:

    LC-MS World Relief
    P.O. Box 66861
    St. Louis, MO 63166-9810

        Credit card gift line:  1-888-930-4438

The following statement has been prepared here in New Mexico, and is being
shared throughout our country today:

The Church World Service (CWS) Emergency Response Executive Committee
meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico moved into immediate emergency session in
response to the news of the attack on the World Trade Center and the
unfolding events in other parts of the country.  Together we express
prayerful concern for the many families and individuals who are impacted by
these events.  Together the member communions of the CWS Emergency Response
Executive Committee are implementing and coordinating an immediate response
that includes:

ú Placing on alert CWS regional disaster response consultants for provision
of pastoral care consultation
ú Member communions with trained emergency pastoral care teams have their
teams on standby for a coordinated response
ú The placement today of a CWS Disaster Response Consultant at the Albany
New York Emergency Operations Center for purposes of coordination
ú Placing a CWS Disaster Response Consultant in the Washington, DC
Emergency Operations Center
ú Opening a satellite emergency response office at the Church of the
Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Maryland to serve as the center for
communication and response coordination
ú Meeting regularly to further our coordinated response

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the
mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam;
though the mountains tremble with its tumult."
(Psalm 46; 1-3)   It is in these words of hope and promise that we find
comfort during this time.

We beseech members of our communions to join us in prayer and to stand
ready to offer the resources for our common response as the needs become
apparent during coming days and weeks.

Church World Service Emergency Response Executive Committee members present
at Santa Fe:

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Reformed Church World Service
United Church of Christ National Disaster Ministries
Week of Compassion, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
United Methodist Committee on Relief
Lutheran Disaster Response
Church of the Brethren Emergency Response and Service Ministries

Yours in Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST (written on Tue, Sep 11, 2001,12:16 pm).  Director for
  ELCA DOMESTIC DISASTER RESPONSE (Division for Church in Society) and
  LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE (a cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LC-MS)
  8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631  PHONE: 773-380-2822 FAX: 773-380-2493
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