

Dear friends in Christ,

Clarice has lived on the same property for fifty years.  When Tropical Storm Allison hit Houston last June, the house she and her recently-deceased husband built thirty years ago was flooded, and most of her furnishings were destroyed.  I visited Clarice yesterday, along with Mark Minick (LDR-Texas disaster coordinator), Bernice Karstensen (LDR Board Chair), and Dale and Jean Peercy (LDR construction coordinators).

As Clarice spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, and her words came haltingly.  "I really appreciate the volunteers who are working here," she said.  "They are just wonderful people."  She was speaking about Jack and Ruth Friedli, from Rochester, Minnesota, who are volunteering in Houston for three months.  As we spoke, a TV camera crew arrived to tape a brief report.  The United Way has organized a telethon this Saturday night that will air on all Houston stations.  The "One Houston United" campaign hopes to raise $4 million for nonprofit organizations to assist survivors.

In June 2001 Tropical Storm Allison dumped 36 inches of rain in the Houston area, leaving behind death and destruction.  Harry Noftsker, FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaison, gave me a three-page Allison update, and told me that over 119,000 people have registered with FEMA for help.  47,243 houses were damaged, 3,600 of them totally destroyed.  "This is a huge job," Harry said, "but it's moving forward...slowly."  This is the second-largest natural disaster to which FEMA has ever responded.

Lutheran Social Services of the South (Kurt Senske, president) is managing the Houston response on behalf of Lutheran Disaster Response, a cooperative ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

We met with Pastor Lawrence Kelm, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.  This congregation has graciously made housing available for LDR volunteers in its parochial school facility. In addition to rooms for sleeping, there are showers and a kitchen facility.  Redeemer Church had 53 of 200 families with flood damage, and 10 families lost everything.  "Our congregation is pleased to be part of LDR's response in our community, to participate in living out the Gospel."

How can you help?

Prayers of support are needed for Tropical Storm Allison survivors, who, seven months later, are just starting their recovery.  Prayers of support are needed for all who are on the scene, providing hands-on assistance, comfort, and hope.

Volunteers are needed now to help in Houston, and will be for at least the next year...probably longer.  To volunteer, call 1-713-647-9860 (ask for Cheryl).

Your contributions will enable the church to provide help and hope for the long haul to those whose lives have been forever changed.  Please send your contributions to:

ELCA DOMESTIC Disaster Response - "Tropical Storm Allison"
        P.O. Box # 71764
Chicago, Illinois 60694-1764.

                Credit card gift line: 1-800-638-3522
                Credit card gifts via the web:

LC-MS World Relief – "Tropical Storm Allison"
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-9810

Credit card gift line: 1-888-930-4438

In Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST (written on January 25, 2002, at 5:36 PM
  Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society),
  Lutheran Disaster Response (a cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LCMS)
  8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631   PHONE: 773-380-2719  FAX: 773-380-2493
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