


January 21, 2005

ELCA Members Contribute $1 Million Toward Tsunami Relief

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) International Disaster Response, members of the
ELCA have contributed more than $1 million to support relief
efforts in southern Asia, after a tsunami claimed thousands of
lives in several coastal countries of the Indian Ocean last
     Contributions to the ELCA International Disaster Response
for tsunami relief efforts continue to arrive, said the Rev. Y.
Franklin Ishida, spokesperson, ELCA Division for Global Mission.
     Coordinated by the ELCA Division for Global Mission,
International Disaster Response often channels its funds through
international church organizations and relief agencies.  Funds
purchase food, medicine, drinking water, emergency shelter and
other materials for survivors of disasters.
     "We know that relief and rebuilding will be a long-term
matter.  The ELCA is committed to accompanying its companions
across the region.  Ongoing support will be necessary," said
     To date ELCA International Disaster Response provided a
total of $415,000 for immediate relief efforts.
     On Dec. 29 the ELCA International Disaster Response released
$150,000 to Action by Churches Together (ACT) in support of its
relief efforts in south Asia; the church sent $30,000 to support
the work of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India
(UELCI); and $20,000 for other regional recovery work,
particularly in Indonesia.
       ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related
agencies that meets human need through organized emergency
response.  It is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC)
and Lutheran World Federation (LWF), both in Geneva,
Switzerland.  The ELCA is a member of WCC and LWF.
     ELCA International Disaster Response released $100,000 to
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) for its "Wave of Giving" tsunami
relief efforts Jan. 5.  LWR works overseas in relief and
development on behalf of the ELCA and Lutheran Church-Missouri
     "The ELCA is committed to providing up to 50 percent of its
International Disaster Response income designated for tsunami
disaster relief to LWR," said Belletech Deressa, director for
international development and disaster response, ELCA Division
for Global Mission.  The other 50 percent of the church's income
designated for tsunami relief will be sent to "our Lutheran
companion churches in south and southeast Asia, and other
ecumenical organizations, to support their relief efforts,"
Deressa said.
     ELCA International Disaster Response released another
$15,000 on Jan. 7 to the UELCI in support of its relief efforts
in southern coastal areas of India.  It provided $100,000 to
Church World Service for its tsunami disaster response on Jan.
     "Church World Service has been operational with relief and
development programs in Indonesia since 1964," said Deressa.  It
"works through and with both faith-based and secular
organizations in the areas of disaster response, capacity
building and social development, enhancing the access of
impoverished basis needs," she said.  The ELCA participates in
the work of Church World Service.
     "After the tsunami hit, Church World Service urgently sent
staff to monitor the situation, especially in Indonesia, and it
has been engaged in providing clean water, tents, health kits,
food and medical assistance.  Church World Service is leading
church-based organizations in implementing both short-term relief
and rehabilitation and long-term development assistance in
Indonesia," Deressa said.
     According to Deressa, the ELCA's "partnership with Church
World Service is crucial" in reaching "out to people in Indonesia
and southeast Asia," assisting affected communities there.
     Funds from ELCA International Disaster Response continue to
be allocated to support recovery efforts in southern Asia.

ELCA synods, universities seminaries organize fundraising
efforts, prayer service
     Individuals and congregations of the ELCA Indiana-Kentucky
Synod, based in Indianapolis, have raised more than $45,000 to
date in special offerings to support tsunami relief efforts in
     Funds are being sent directly to the Huria Kristen Batak
Protestant (HKBP) -- the (Lutheran) Protestant Christian Batak
Church, Sumatra, Indonesia.  The HKBP organized a special relief
account, "HKBP Caring Love," to support its tsunami relief
operations in Indonesia.
     For the past three years, the synod and the HKBP have
actively shared a "companion relationship," said the Rev. William
O. Gafkjen, assistant to the bishop, ELCA Indiana-Kentucky Synod.
     "There's a strong foundation in the relationship" between
the synod and HKBP, said Gafkjen.  "We know one another
personally."  Gafkjen and other members of the synod traveled to
Indonesia two years ago and met with HKBP staff.
     "This is what a companion synod relationship is all about.
It is a prime example of the accompaniment model followed by [the
ELCA] in its global mission efforts," Gafkjen said.  "We are with
them for the long haul."
     California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
organized a voluntary fundraising campaign, "CLU Tsunami Relief
Fund."  Funds garnered from the campaign will be sent to LWR for
tsunami disaster relief.
     Students at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., have mobilized
the seminary community to raise funds for Lutheran World Relief's
Wave of Giving campaign. Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, will
host a musical, "No Greater."  Written by Dr. Ralph Quere, the
musical sets the Gospel of John into 21st century rock music and
language.  Profits of the musical will go to LWR for tsunami
     The Rev. Stephen P. Bouman, bishop of the ELCA Metropolitan
New York Synod, New York, led a "Service of Prayer" on Jan. 19
for Asians killed by the tsunami.  The service took place at St.
Paul International Lutheran Church, New York.
_ _ _
Editors: When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to
survivors of major disasters outside the United States, Puerto
Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, please include:
ELCA International Disaster Response, PO Box 71764 Chicago, IL
60694-1764, 1-800-638-3522, or at on the Internet.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]