


December 7, 2005

ELCA Presiding Bishop Thanks Members of Congress

     WASHINGTON (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding
bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), sent
a thank-you letter Dec. 6 to members of Congress who voted
against spending cuts to human services programs such as Food
Stamps and Medicaid in the budget reconciliation process.
     "I wish to thank you for not closing your ears to the cries
of the poor during this Advent season," Hanson wrote.
     The budget reconciliation process is comprised of House and
Senate bills for spending and tax cuts. Permanent tax cuts for
the wealthiest 3 percent of U.S. taxpayers are being proposed by
Congress along with spending cuts in human services programs for
the next 5 to 10 years. The spending cuts have passed in both the
House and the Senate, and differences in the bills are currently
being resolved in conference committee. The tax cuts have passed
in the Senate, but have not been voted on in the House.
     The federal budget is "a concrete expression of our shared
moral values and priorities," Hanson said. "As the number of
people living in poverty and without insurance continues to climb
at an alarming rate, I believe it is absolutely inexcusable to
cut vital programs and services for them in order to leave more
money in the pockets of those who need it least."
     Hanson, with all 65 synod bishops in the ELCA, signed a
letter sent last month to senators and representatives, urging
members of Congress to vote against the spending cuts and tax
cuts proposed in the budget reconciliation process. "Programs
such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, the State Children's Health
Insurance Program and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families help
to keep struggling families together and assist low-income
working families in moving to higher economic ground," said the
November letter.  "This is not the time to cut such important
programs while using the cuts to pay for tax breaks for those who
don't need them."
     To those who voted against the proposed spending cuts,
Hanson said in his thank-you letter, "In this season of Advent
and Christmas, Christians are called to joyfully welcome the
Savior, Jesus Christ, into the world anew. This Savior was
brought into the world to bring Good News to the poor. Your
opposition to these cuts shows your commitment to also bring good
news to the poor."
     "I trust I can count on your continued support for the most
vulnerable citizens of our society as this process continues,"
Hanson concluded the letter.

* Annie Lynsen is director for advocacy communications,
grassroots and network development, ELCA Washington (D.C.)

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