


September 20, 2006  

ELCA, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishops Meet With U.N., U.S. Officials

     NEW YORK (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and the
Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, presiding bishop of the Episcopal
Church, met Sept. 15 with Mark Malloch Brown, deputy secretary
general of the United Nations (U.N.), and Richard Miller, U.S.
ambassador to the United Nations' Economic and Social Council.
     Hanson and Griswold thanked the officials for their work
toward ending global poverty. They also expressed their churches'
unity and commitment in working toward eliminating poverty around
the globe through achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) in collaboration with ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty
     "Both the deputy secretary general and the ambassador
engaged in in-depth conversations with us surrounding the
Millennium Development Goals," said Hanson. "Emphasizing the
international presence of the ELCA and Episcopal Church, we told
them our churches can be partners in helping the United States to
take a stronger lead globally in working toward the MDGs."
     All member states of the U.N., including the United States,
adopted MDGs in 2000. The goals are to eradicate extreme poverty
and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender
equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve
maternal health, combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases,
ensure environmental sustainability, and create a global
partnership for development.
     "I think people feel powerless today to make a difference
because of the overwhelming magnitude of these issues," said
Hanson after the meetings. "The ONE Campaign surrounding the
Millennium Development Goals gives people a vehicle to take their
power and make a difference in the lives of others," he said.
"The Millennium Development Goals describe, I think, the signs of
God's will for God's people and God's creation."
     Both Brown and Miller were presented with a joint pastoral
letter from Hanson and Griswold titled "That All May Be One." The
letter, released to ELCA and Episcopal Church members Sept. 14,
included reflections on the theological basis for the MDGs,
examples of how Lutherans and Episcopalians are currently
collaborating to end global poverty, three calls to the U.S.
government to take specific actions toward achieving the MDGs,
and a vision for future collaboration in advocating for the MDGs
through the "ONE Lutheran" and "ONE Episcopalian" campaigns. The
release of the statement to members of the ELCA and Episcopal
Church was celebrated with a service of Holy Communion and
renewal of baptismal vows at the Episcopal Church Center in New
York following the meetings with Brown and Miller.
     Hanson presided and Griswold preached at the service.
     "The Millennium Development Goals invite our nation to
relate itself to the world in a very different way," said
Griswold in his sermon. "We're not going to stamp out terrorism
with force alone," he said. "The MDGs are an invitation to the
nation and its leaders to become not only a superpower, but also
a super servant."
     "The Millennium Development Goals and the ONE Campaign are
an invitation to a life of hope," said Hanson after the service.
"Not denying the realities of (terrorism and) violence. Not
denying human suffering, but saying, 'Here's a way we can respond
together, rather than live in fear and isolation from each
     Hanson and Griswold expressed how the ONE Campaign and MDGs
work have united people who disagree on other issues in the
     Both the ELCA and Episcopal Church "are dealing with a great
deal of internal controversy," said Griswold, "yet people on both
sides really do care about the world and can come together around
the Millennium Development Goals."
     Hanson urged church members to participate in the ONE
Campaign. "If we are to be a truly global church, we need to
accompany developing nations," he said. "Our faith compels us,
the reality of the issues in the world compel us, and global
poverty is challenging us to achieve the Millennium Development
     Audio comments from Bishop Hanson related to this story are
on the ELCA Web site at:
     A link to the video of the Sept. 15 worship service will be
available for viewing at on the
ELCA Web site.
     The text of the presiding bishop's pastoral letter on the
Millennium Development Goals is at or on the ELCA Web site.
         ONE Lutheran resources are at
on the ELCA Web site.

* Annie Lynsen is director for grassroots advocacy and
communication, ELCA Washington Office.

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John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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