


April 23, 2007  

Lutherans Called to be Peacemakers April 27-29

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In response to violence, war and conflict
in the United States and around the world, about 50 members of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will explore
their call to be peacemakers at "Equipping for Peacemaking," an
April 27-29 training event here hosted by the ELCA.
     "The recent shootings at Virginia Tech are a grim reminder
of the need for more training and skills in peacemaking," said
Glen Gersmehl, Seattle, lead trainer for the event and director
of Lutheran Peace Fellowship.
     "What is more, for the past year Iraqi civilians have
suffered the equivalent of three Virginia Tech massacres every
day, week after week.  And the toll is even larger from the
hidden violence of world hunger.  Indeed, the world cries out for
Christians with skills and commitment to Jesus' way of Shalom --
justice, peace, wholeness and healing.  That's what this training
is all about," said Gersmehl.
     The content of the training will explore interpersonal
conflict, family violence and conflict in the congregation, as
well as community peacemaking, racial and economic justice, and
international issues.  Participants will learn how to become
peacemakers through an activity-based leadership development
approach that involves leading sessions, sharing observations and
ideas, and learning how to encourage peacemaking activities in
congregations and synods of the ELCA.  Participants will receive
a manual on peace education activities, worship and take part in
a "peace bazaar" -- an opportunity for participants and staff of
the ELCA churchwide organization to talk about peace-related work
taking place across the church.
     "If you think about it, where else have you had an
opportunity to learn about peacemaking?  It's not an issue folks
talk about.  It you look at the media, peacemaking is not
(highlighted) but violence is," said Jean Morehouse, Fort Meade,
S.D., network coordinator for Equipping for Peacemaking.
     "Violence is what's glamorized and reported.  How different
would it be -- our world, our life -- if what we were fascinated
with is peacemaking?  This is what we're called to do as
Christians.  We are called to be peacemakers," she said.
     "Violence has been an age old problem," said Morehouse.  "I
think that as a church we are called to be peacemakers in the
name of Jesus Christ.  This training offers people an opportunity
to learn more about peacemaking and our call to be peacemakers.
It will give participants some practical skills to take back to
their congregations, communities and their own families for daily
living," she said.
     A central aim of the training includes clarifying some
cultural myths and misconceptions about peacemaking, such as that
peacemaking is "passive, weak or less effective than violence."
Another aim is for Lutheran peacemakers to encourage one another
in the skill of helping others to move from "fear and apathy to
empowerment and hope."
     Prior to the training, participants are asked to consider
offering a workshop on peacemaking when they return home,
sparking educational activities; working with or forming
committees on advocacy or peace and justice in their church,
synod and community; and inviting people to participate in the
Equipping for Peacemaking network.
- - -
     Information about the Equipping for Peacemaking network is
at on the Web.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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