


February 22, 2008  

Lutheran Congregation Helps Cottonwood Grieve, Heal

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A funeral for Emilee Olson, 9, will be
held Feb. 24 at Christ Lutheran Church, Cottonwood, Minn., a
congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA).  A funeral for brothers Hunter Javens, 9, and Jesse
Javens, 13, -- also members of Christ Lutheran Church -- will be
Feb. 25 at Lakeview School, Cottonwood.  They and Reed Stevens,
12, Marshall, Minn., died Feb. 19 in an accident involving their
school bus.
     The St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press reported the funeral
arrangements Feb. 22.  The newspaper cited state police as saying
a van hit the school bus, which tipped over onto a passing pickup
truck, on a state highway near Cottonwood.  The bus was carrying
28 students from Lakeview School, and 15 people were taken to
area hospitals.
     Gwen Arneson, lay pastoral assistant, Christ Lutheran
Church, said most of those taken to hospitals are improving.
Two children were in surgery Feb. 22.
     "It's a very close-knit community.  When one is hurting,
everyone is hurting.  You can't go into any place without running
into somebody who was affected in some way, whether it was a
direct family member or a neighbor or a friend down the road,"
Arneson said.
     "Our congregation will be completely surrounding the
families -- not only of the Javens boys and Emilee -- with love,
being the arms and hands and feet of Jesus to these families.
I know we will also be available in any capacity to continue to
help all the students who lost classmates or who saw things on
the bus that young kids should never have to see," Arneson said.
     The members and staff of Christ Lutheran Church will
"continue to love them" and do what they can "to help them work
through their grieving process and healing process, trusting that
the strength that is needed to get through the days ahead will
come from the Lord," she said.
     Arneson said she and others she has spoken with have been
touched by e-mail messages and phone calls of support received
from around the world.  "It's such an amazing witness to what
community is all about, the things that are important and to be
there for one another," she said.
     The ELCA Southwestern Minnesota Synod, Redwood Falls, issued
a prayer request for the families and community of Cottonwood.
"Prayers of healing are requested for those injured" and "prayers
of strength are also needed for the rescue workers who first
responded, medical teams and area pastors who continue to provide
support in this tragedy," according to the synod.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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