Welcome to Hunger Sermon Starters!

The lessons for each Sunday in the church year proclaim God’s grace in Jesus Christ. Also derived from a Sunday’s texts are lessons for the Christ-inspired and Christ-like life of God’s people. The comments here will help you find hunger-related threads –sermon starters – among the themes of this day’s texts. (We're presuming you have already done your exegetical work on the texts.) God bless your proclamation (and teaching) of what is most certainly true!

October 26, 2008

Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18
Psalm 1 (2)
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
KRISTIE NEKLASON serves the NW Washington Synod on the synod hunger committee and is a member of Gift of Grace Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA


November 2, 2008
All Saints Sunday
First Reading: Micah 3:5-12
Psalm 43
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12
 Psalm 43
1 Thessalonians
Pulling it Together
Cynthia A. Werner, Senior MDiv Candidate, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary