

Lamentations 2:13-17

When prophets see false visions

    What can I say for you, to what compare you,
        O daughter Jerusalem?
    To what can I liken you, that I may comfort you,
        O virgin daughter Zion?
    For vast as the sea is your ruin;
        who can heal you?
     Your prophets have seen for you
        false and deceptive visions;
    they have not exposed your iniquity
        to restore your fortunes,
    but have seen oracles for you
        that are false and misleading.
     All who pass along the way
        clap their hands at you;
    they hiss and wag their heads
        at daughter Jerusalem;
    "Is this the city that was called
        the perfection of beauty,
        the joy of all the earth?"
     All your enemies
        open their mouths against you; they hiss,
    they gnash their teeth,
        they cry: "We have devoured her!
    Ah, this is the day we longed for;
        at last we have seen it!"
     The Lord has done what he purposed,
        he has carried out his threat;
    as he ordained long ago,
        he has demolished without pity;
    he has made the enemy rejoice over you,
        and exalted the might of your foes.


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