


April 1, 2009  

ELCA Council Transmits Social Statement, Report and Recommendation

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) sent "Human Sexuality: Gift
and Trust," a proposed social statement for the ELCA, and a
"Report and Recommendation on Ministry Policies" to the 2009
ELCA Churchwide Assembly for consideration.
     The Church Council is the ELCA's board of directors and
serves as the legislative authority of the church between
assemblies.  The council met here March 27-30.  Assemblies are
held every other year; the next is Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.
     On Feb. 19 the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality
released the two documents.  Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust
addresses a spectrum of concerns relevant to human sexuality
from a Lutheran perspective.  If adopted by the assembly, the
social statement will assist this church in its moral
deliberation, govern the ELCA's institutional policies and
guide the church's advocacy work.
     The council made a series of "friendly amendments" to
clarify the proposed social statement, but no substantive
changes to content.  It also approved resolutions to
implement the statement into the mission and ministry of
the church.
     Prior to taking action, the council met in small groups
in a closed, off-the-record session.  There was no discussion
prior to the vote on sending the document to the churchwide
assembly.  Once that action took place, the council stood and
     "What a gift the task force has been to the church and
what the task force has given to the church," said Norma J.
Hirsch, council member, Des Moines, Iowa. "Some have said that
the work is brilliant, however (one) perceives the document,"
she said.

Report and Recommendation on Ministry Policies
     The task force also released a report and recommendation
for a process to consider changes to ministry policies that
could make it possible for Lutherans in committed same-gender
relationships to serve as ELCA professional leaders --
associates in ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministers and
ordained ministers.
     The task force proposed four steps to be taken
consecutively by the churchwide assembly.  If the assembly
agrees to the first, then the second, third and fourth would
be considered only if the preceding steps have been approved.
     The council's actions on the recommendation reflected
this process.  It approved each of the four resolutions
individually and made amendments for clarification purposes,
keeping the intent of the task force.  Prior to taking action,
the council met in small groups in a closed, off-the-record
     The first resolve asks that the ELCA commit itself "to
finding ways to allow congregations that choose to do so to
recognize, support and hold publicly accountable lifelong,
monogamous, same-gender relationships."
     The second resolve asks that the church commit itself
"to finding a way for people in such publicly accountable,
lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as
rostered leaders of this church."
     Step three asks that in the implementation of these
resolutions, the ELCA "respects the bound conscience of all."
     Resolution four presents a proposal for how the ELCA
could move toward change "in a way that respects the bound
conscience of all."  This step makes a specific recommendation
for flexibility within existing structures and practices of
this church to allow for people in publicly accountable,
lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to be approved
for professional service in the ELCA.
     Speaking to the council about resolution four, the Rev.
Stanley N. Olson, executive director, ELCA Vocation and
Education, said the point of the fourth resolve is "to
incorporate structured flexibility into this church's present
policies and procedures, eliminating the uniform prohibition
against rostering people in same-gender relationships, but
not changing the system's assignment of authority and
     Olson said structured flexibility is a "shorthand phrase
intended to describe the way the ELCA already does candidacy
and call."
     He said "public accountability" for same-gender
relationships "would be taken into consideration by those who
presently have decision-making responsibility in candidacy
and call."
     William R. Lloyd, council member, Somerset, Pa., said he
wished it were possible to have a "primer" about the ELCA's
candidacy and call process.
     With the exception of pastors, "most of us do not
understand" the candidacy and call process, he said.  "I
think it would be fair to say that most people at the
churchwide assembly are not going to understand it," Lloyd
said.  He expressed concern that people will make decisions
without having an understanding "of how things work now."
     The Rev. Jonathan W. Linman, council member, New York,
said it would also be helpful to have some narrative or
clarification on what is meant by bound conscience.
     After approving the four resolutions, the council
expressed its gratitude to members of task force for their
"dedicated and conscientious service to this church."  It
commended the task force for "modeling what it means to
journey together faithfully."
     In a separate action, the council voted to uphold its
November decision recommending that the 2009 assembly rules
require a simple majority to adopt recommendations,
resolutions, memorials or any other motions originating from,
or relating to the subject of a task force report.
- - -
     The task force's "Report and Recommendation on Ministry
Policies" and "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust" are available
at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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