


August 10, 2009  

ELCA Presiding Bishop Urges Lutherans to Sign Letter to Obama about Sudan

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is encouraging the 4.6
million-member church to advocate for peace in Sudan.  He is asking that
the denomination's professional leaders sign a letter addressed to U.S.
President Barack Obama that calls for lasting peace in the Northeast
African country.
     In an Aug. 4 letter to ELCA members Hanson described the situation
in Sudan, suggested ways Lutherans can take action for peace, and
encouraged congregations to participate in the "Interfaith Weekend of
Prayer for Sudan" Aug. 28-30.
     "For more than 50 years, the people of Sudan have suffered from the
harsh consequences of war," Hanson wrote. "More than 2 million lives have
been lost over the course of two civil wars between the North and South
(1955-1972 and 1983-2005) and six years of conflict in the western region
of Darfur that began in 2003."
     While Southern Sudan is working to forge peace with the North
through the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), millions of
innocent civilians in Darfur continue to be displaced from their homes
and forced to live in camps where they depend on international aid for
survival, Hanson wrote.
     Lutherans in the United States can respond to the crisis in Sudan in
two primary ways, Hanson said.  ELCA members can write to their
congressional representatives to advocate for "robust U.S. diplomatic
engagement that seeks sustainable peace" in all of Sudan.  The second is
to contribute financial gifts that support Lutheran ministries of relief
and development in Sudan, particularly through ELCA International
Disaster Response.
     Hanson is also urging Lutherans to join with their ecumenical and
interfaith partners in adding their signatures to a letter addressed to
Obama by Aug. 30.
     "We, the undersigned faith leaders, write to express our support for
your work to achieve lasting peace in Sudan," the letter states.  "We
thank your administration for recent efforts to address the current state
of the CPA along with representatives of Sudan and the international
     The letter asks Obama to ensure that all aspects of the CPA are
fully implemented to help achieve a just and lasting peace for the people
of Sudan.
      "We urge your administration to continue working with the
international community and key actors, including civil society, to help
bring a sustainable peace agreement that will restore security and allow
the Darfuri people to freely return to their homes and rebuild their
lives," the letter states.
     "While we represent diverse faith traditions, we are united in our
work for peace, justice and the well-being of all God's people.  As we
lead our communities in action and prayer, please know that we support
you in your work and believe that your strong leadership is critical in
realizing peace and justice in Sudan," the letter states.
- - -
     Hanson's letter to the ELCA and the letter to Obama are available at on the ELCA
Web site.
     Information about the Interfaith Weekend of Prayer for Sudan is at on the Web.

Editors:  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to survivors
of major disasters outside the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S.
Virgin Islands, please include:
ELCA International Disaster Response, PO Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-
1764, 1-800-638-3522 and on the

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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