


November 16, 2009  

Reinstatement Process Revision Adopted by ELCA Church Council

     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) adopted a revision to the reinstatement process
for former clergy and other professional leaders who were removed from
the church's official rosters for disciplinary reasons or resigned in
lieu of discipline -- solely because they were in a lifelong, monogamous,
same-gender relationship.
     The change, adopted Nov. 15, applies to former ELCA associates in
ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministers and ordained ministers.
     The Church Council is the ELCA's board of directors and serves as
the legislative authority of the church between churchwide assemblies.
It met here Nov. 13-15.
     The action was a response to the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly,
which adopted proposals to change ELCA ministry policies. One change
created the possibility for Lutherans in publicly accountable, lifelong,
monogamous same-gender relationships to serve as ELCA associates in
ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministers and ordained ministers. The
assembly also adopted a social statement on human sexuality by a two-
thirds vote.
     The revision to the reinstatement policy applies only to people in
lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships. The council's decision
makes it possible for a person to begin the application process for
reinstatement beginning Jan. 1, 2010 through Dec. 31, 2011.
      Until the 2009 Churchwide Assembly adopted a social statement on
human sexuality and changes to ministry policies, any same-gender
relationship was considered sexual misconduct and cause for discipline.
Under the new policies, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly acknowledged there
are different views within the church of these relationships and that
these views are held by faithful people who understand Scripture in
different ways.
     Without the policy change, people in same-gender relationships
removed from the church's rosters solely because of that relationship
would have to wait a minimum of five years before an application for
reinstatement could be considered.
     The ELCA Conference of Bishops endorsed the reinstatement policy
change when it met in October.
     Even under the new reinstatement policy, a final decision on an
applicant's reinstatement request cannot be made until other policy
documents are revised and approved.  Documents undergoing revision
are "Vision and Expectations" for associates in ministry, deaconesses,
diaconal ministers and ordained ministers, said the Rev. Stanley N.
Olson, executive director, ELCA Vocation and Education. Also being
revised are "Definition and Guidelines for Discipline," plus an ELCA
candidacy manual and other policies, he said.
      The revised documents will be reviewed by an ad hoc committee and
the ELCA Conference of Bishops at its March 4-9, 2010 meeting.  After
consultation with the bishops, recommendations will be sent to the ELCA
Church Council.  At its April 9-12, 2010 meeting, council members will
consider the revisions and may adopt the revised policy documents.
     Vocation and Education, the ELCA Office of the Secretary and the
ELCA Committee on Appeals are revising the policy documents
collaboratively, Olson told the council.  The ELCA Board of Pensions is
also in "close conversation" with the drafting teams concerning effects
of the changes on pension and benefits plan, he said.
     "We intend to carry out the directives of the assembly ... to
welcome people who are in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous same-
gender relationships into rostered (professional) ministry, and to make
provision to respect and preserve (a) place in this church for those
whose convictions, (and) bound consciences, are at a different place,"
Olson said.
     Current ministry policy documents, links to assembly actions and
draft revisions are at on the ELCA
Web site, he said.  Drafting teams welcome comments on the suggested
revisions, Olson said.
     "This is a complicated process," said David D. Swartling, ELCA
secretary, of the effort to revise policies. Swartling added the language
in all of the documents must be "consistent and congruent."
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]
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