We join those who grieve at the news from Newtown, Connecticut of a fatal school shooting. We lift up our voices in prayer with the words of the ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson: "Loving God, as Rachel wept for her childre we weep for the children of Newtown & all who mourn the tragic loss of life." Whether around the corner or across the globe event like these have the potential to affect us all. If you or your children are having a difficult time processing these traumatic events please seek the guidance of a pastor and/or crisis counselor. Here are a couple of resources that may prove helpful. +SAMHSA Guide for Talking With Children After a Traumatic Event(SAMHSA) + Intercessory Prayers following Newton, Conn. Shooting (ELCA)
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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | 8765 West Higgins Road | Chicago, IL 60631