

Title: ELCA Advocates for Raise in Minimum Wage

April 15, 1996


"The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America advocates for a raise
in the minimum wage," said Kay A. Bengston in a March 27 press
statement.  Congress defeated proposals to raise the federal
minimum wage 90 cents on March 28.  Bengston is assistant
director for public policy advocacy, Lutheran Office for
Governmental Affairs (LOGA), Washington, D.C.  "This church is
committed 'to adequate income and believes that vast disparities
of income and wealth are both divisive of the human community and
demeaning to its members,'" she cited ELCA documents.
"Unfortunately, the United States has the largest wage gap of any
industrialized country," she added.  "Moving welfare recipients
into employment is hindered in a labor market increasingly
dominated by low-wage, part-time or temporary jobs that cannot
support a family," said Bengston.  "Sixty-nine percent of minimum
wage workers are adults, and women comprise 60 percent of minimum
wage workers."  Bengston urged members of Congress to approve an
increase in the minimum wage, and referred to findings of a
January survey that 83 percent of the respondents support a
minimum wage of $5.15 instead of $4.25 per hour.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956