

Title: ELCA Missionary Gorski Resigns in Chile


July 30, 1996


William E. Gorski, 45, resigned July 13 as president of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile (IELCH).  Gorski's
resignation came at the request of the IELCH governing council
following questions regarding possible misuse of church funds.
The Rev. Marta Hermosilla Jeldres, IELCH vice president, was
appointed interim president of the church until the next IELCH
Assembly in November, when a new president will be chosen.  In an
official communique, Hermosilla said the council's demand for "an
investigation of the fire that affected the central office of the
IELCH on July 9 in which valuable financial information was lost"
prompted the resignation.  Gorski resigned July 17 from the
clergy roster of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA).  While no longer an ELCA missionary, Gorski remains an
employee of the ELCA Division for Global Mission and remains in
Chile so that he can cooperate with church and civil authorities.
Gorski is a graduate of Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., and
the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.  Ordained in 1976 by
the former Lutheran Church in America, he served two years as
pastor of Christ the Lord Lutheran Church, Elgin, Ill.  Gorski
has been a Lutheran missionary to Chile since 1978.  He was
elected president of the IELCH in 1986.  The IELCH traces its
history to the 19th century immigration of Europeans.  In 1975
the Lutheran Church in Chile broke away, leaving the IELCH the
smaller of the two churches.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir., (312) 380-2955; Lia
Christiansen, Asst. Dir., (312) 380-2956