

Title: ELCA American Indian/Alaska Native Strategic Plan

November 1, 1996


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Commission for Multicultural
Ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has
developed a new American Indian/Alaska Native Strategic Plan.
The ELCA Church Council will see the plan at its meeting Nov. 8-
11 and may vote to adopt it for action in April 1997.
     The commission's steering committee adopted the strategy at
its meeting here Oct. 11-12.  The plan "for the purpose of
guiding the American Indian/Alaska Native ministry efforts of
this church" was developed over five years by a 14-member task
     The Rev. Gordon J. Straw, interim director for Native
American ministries and racial justice ministries, told the
committee, "The Lutheran history with Indian people is spotty and
anecdotal and a massive failure."  The strategic plan presents
both the history and an analysis of the current situation for
American Indian/Alaska Native ministries.
     The plan "articulates the relationship with the ELCA
envisioned by American Indians/Alaska Natives" over the coming
five years.  The relationship, it says, "is grounded in
reconciliation and the mutual upbuilding of the saints.  We share
God's mission of proclaiming the gospel to all people."
     Four specific areas will be the focus for American
Indian/Alaska Native strategy: congregation development,
leadership development, public policy advocacy and social
ministry.  A series of goals and strategies directed in each area
range from community task forces that will guide local
congregation deveopment to a resource directory of organizations
and individuals involved in legislative advocacy and social
     Currently the 6,685 American Indian/Alaska Native members of
the ELCA live in every part of the church; 23 percent reside in
the Alaska Synod.  Since the church was formed in 1987 American
Indian/Alaska Native membership has increased more than 18
     Straw pointed to the ecumenical character of Native
ministry.  He reported that while the ELCA has 21 ordained Native
pastors, few serve an ELCA congregation with a significant
American Indian/Alaska Native population.  Only one Native
student attended an ELCA seminary in 1992, down from five in
     The plan says, "New and existing congregations need strong
leadership from American Indians/Alaska Natives, who will bring
to their work a sensitivity to tribal traditions and Native
spiritual gifts."
     In a related action the steering committee voted to call
upon the ELCA to make public its disapproval of the desecration
of American Indian/Alaska Native sacred sites.  The committee
"views the vandalism and burning of African-American churches,
the desecration and despoiling of American Indian/Alaska Native
sacred sites, and violations of other places of worship as common
expressions of intolerance, racism and hatred."
     The action instructs the commission to develop a position
statement "decrying this practice" for consideration at its next

     [Editors: to receive a copy of the American
     Indian/Alaska Native Strategic Plan of the Evangelical
     Lutheran Church in America, contact Brenda Williams at

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir.,
(312) 380-2955 or [log in to unmask]