

Title: ELCA Unit Director Proposes Ethnic-Specific Synods

November 1, 1996


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
"must do a reality check and consider new directions for the 21st
century," according to the Rev. Frederick E.N. Rajan, executive
director of the church's Commission for Multicultural Ministries.
Speaking to the commission's steering committee here Oct. 11,
Rajan suggested the ELCA should establish non-geographic, ethnic-
specific synods.
     Committee members took no direct action on Rajan's
suggestion but agreed to take the idea to their communities and
the church's ethnic associations for feedback.
     The ELCA's 65 synods are legislative sections of the church,
usually defined by geographic boundaries and headed by a bishop.
The exception is the Slovak Zion Synod, emphasizing the church's
Slovak-language ministries.
     Rajan restated the ELCA's "simple but profound goal of
assisting all to become full partners and participants in the
life of our church."  He cited statistics showing that membership
in ELCA ethnic-specific ministries is down or flat while people
of color are joining predominantly white congregations.
     "This growth is not due to an intentional effort by our
church," Rajan said.  He cited "upward mobility, class and
programs offered by white congregations" as factors in the
     Rajan pointed to an "alarming trend" in African American,
Asian, Hispanic and Native American membership in the nine years
of the ELCA's life: African American congregations down by more
than 6,000 members; Spanish-speaking congregations down by almost
2,000 members; membership in Asian and Native American
congregations unchanged.
     Rajan said, "All of us believe in the ELCA and its future.
We have come a long way, yet we have a long way to go."  Citing
strategies and programs "to strengthen the multicultural efforts
of our church" he said, "these efforts are not effectively
reaching congregations."  Many congregations and leaders "are
hurting," Rajan said.  "The commission must address these
     Three things are "essential for the effective work of ethnic
ministries in our church," Rajan said: "accountability,
responsibility and urgency."
     The non-geographic, ethnic-specific synod "could provide
culturally sensitive pastoral care for ethnic-specific
congregations," Rajan said.  Such a synod would be accountable to
its community and the whole church and have a sense of urgency
for preparation of pastors and development of ministries, he
     Joel Mugge, a committee member from Minneapolis, asked, "Are
we raising an expectation that there is no way the church would
accept, looking at it realistically?"  He added, "It is
provocative enough to be useful for discussion."
     The Rev. Ivis LaRiviere-Mestre, Allentown, Pa., said, "This
gives the church a message of urgency.  There is a need for
seriousness and deliberation and a very intense look at ministry
with the ethnic communities."
     The majority of people of color in the ELCA are immigrants
and refugees, according to Rajan.  While denominations are
important to Christians of the Western world, Rajan said, they
are "normally not an important factor for those coming from
developing nations."
     Rajan reported that the commission and the ELCA's Division
for Outreach held a consultation to begin a Filipino ministry,
the nation's fastest-growing Asian community.

For information contact: Ann Hafften, Dir., ELCA News Service,
(312) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]; Frank Imhoff, Assoc. Dir.,
(312) 380-2955 or [log in to unmask]