

Title: ELCA Lecture Series Explores Ecumenism

January 23, 1997


A traditional lecture series and an innovative video-conference will
examine ecumenical discussions and decisions engaging the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America this year.  The Hein-Fry Lecture Series
takes two prestigious speakers to the campuses of the ELCA?s eight
seminaries.  Dr. Michael Root, an ELCA scholar at the Institute for
Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France, and Dr. Gabriel Fackre, a
theologian of the United Church of Christ and professor at Andover
Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, Mass., will also participate
in a 3-hour, interactive tele-conference on May 5 with downlink sites
across the United States and Caribbean.  Their lectures, ?Ecumenical
Decisions 1997: Implications for Teaching, Witness and Outreach,? will
explore the Lutheran church?s participation in the ecumenical movement
and the potential effects partnerships with Episcopal and Reformed
churches will have on the ministry and mission of the ELCA.  Fackre
begins the series Feb. 6 at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary,
Columbus, S.C.; Feb. 13-14 at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary,
Berkeley, Calif.; Feb. 20 at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at
Gettysburg, Pa., and April 9 at the Lutheran School of Theology at
Chicago.  Root continues the series Feb. 25-26 at Luther Seminary, St.
Paul, Minn.; April 18 at Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa;
April 29 at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia; and May 7
at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.