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Dear friends in Jesus Christ,

"Let God do God's work through God's people" was the advice Bishop Rick
Foss gave to pastors, lay leaders, spouses, church workers, volunteers, and
the displaced throughout our travels yesterday, April 25.  We spent nearly
thirteen hours doing pastoral visitations between Fargo north to the Grand
Forks area, where the Red River still stands at 53 feet above flood levels
and eight-foot high snow drifts still hug tree-lined fields.

Our first stop was at Ascension Lutheran Church, which now serves the area
west of Grand Forks as a clinic for free tetanus shots, food distribution,
and the base of operation for Valley Memorial Homes.  Pastor Steve
Engelston and his wife Gail were on hand to minister to the lines of people
coming into and out of Ascension Church...providing care to others, even
though their recently purchased house now stands in water.  Wayne Stark,
CEO of Valley Memorial Homes, described the evacuation of the 400 elderly
patients in his three care facilities that week.  He and his staff,
exhausted by the massive effort to move so many frail people, gathered in
the church nave.  Pastor Ray Siegle, of Sharon Lutheran Church, Grand
Forks, told how many people have said, "I'm praying for you"--a comforting
thought when most prayers just now seem to be prayed on the run.  "God
working through God's people."

We took a side trip to the Grand Forks Air Force Base, where a local bakery
had made available 800 loaves of bread.  We quickly loaded 400 loaves into
Pastor Siegle's car to take back to Ascension Church, and Bishop Foss
loaded the other 400 into his car to take along as we drove to the Park
River Lutheran Bible Camp.  Roger Quanbeck and Pastor Cory Bjertness, camp
leaders at Park River, told how this Lutheran camp has changed its focus,
and now provides temporary housing for evacuees of Grand Forks and
distributes food, clothing, toys, and hope.  Pastor Sandy Larson led
devotions in the camp chapel, and Mennonite volunteers sang a number of
hymns.  Afterward, sixteen pastors and spouses of the Grafton Conference
pulled chairs into a circle, and visited with Bishop Foss and me.  We heard
"condition reports" of towns upriver:  "The dikes in Drayton are still
holding firm, but they must hold for another week to ten days."  "The river
is still rising in Pembina."  "In Neche the dike broke north towards
Canada, and relieved pressure on the town."  One pastor, serving
congregations on both sides of the river, told how his usual fifteen minute
travel between the two now takes over five hours, since the closest bridge
across the Red River is all the way back in Fargo.  Another shared how the
homes of her parents and her sister were flooded.  In this circle, Bishop
Foss expressed concern for these tired leaders.  Words of support and
encouragement were expressed within the circle.  Anxious thoughts were
spoken of members not presently able to be in their houses, business owners
unable to open stores, congregations unable to hold worship in flooded
church buildings, empty neighborhoods, farmers in crisis.  Mutual
comfort--mutual consolation.  "God working through God's people."

It was my privilege this awesome day to bring a word of hope to these
exhausted, stressed, weary brothers and sisters.  I could share how your
prayers continue to be offered, how your generosity will help the people in
the upper midwest, how you are already preparing to volunteer when the
cleanup efforts begin in the next weeks, how creative efforts in the
Lutheran Social Service agencies are resulting in meeting immediate and
long-term needs, and how the whole church can and will provide immediate
and on-going financial and human resources.

"Let God do God's work through God's people."  May God work through you, as
your prayers and your generosity reaches out in the name of Jesus Christ to
all those affected by the terrible winter weather and spring storms in
North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota.  Let God do God's work, through

In Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST (written on Sat, Apr 26, 1997, at 11:58 pm)
Associate Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response
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