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FARGO, N.D.   Today was the first day of school at Oak Grove Lutheran High
School.  Students in hundreds of schools across the country were returning
to classes today, but here it was different.  At this Lutheran residential
high school in Fargo, students were returning for the first time since
fleeing their flooded school last April. For days they had fought the
rising waters with sandbags and dikes... and then the battle was lost. Two
hundred eighty young people returned today with great spirit.  They found
the facilities almost back to normal.  Yes, the gym floor is still being
replaced, and the library is still filled with boxes of books that were
saved. Many many books were lost, and the buildings themselves are back to
normal today at great expense.

One major challenge remains at Oak Grove Lutheran School.  Many of the
returning students come from families who have lost their own homes, and
face extraordinary costs of repairs and rebuilding.  For some, money for
tuition will not be there this year.  But the students are in school, and
that is an act of faith.  ELCA Domestic Disaster Response has made an
emergency grant to help make sure students are able to return, and that
will last about one month.  Additional gifts have made funds available for
the school's tuition scholarship fund.  To help assure that one student can
stay in school will cost $390 for one month.  Individuals or congregations
who can provide scholarship assistance - for any period of time - can do so
through ELCA Domestic Disaster Response, by marking their gift "Student
Help".  Every gift will be acknowledged by the school. Gifts may be sent
to: ELCA Domestic Disaster Response/ PO Box 71764/Chicago/ IL 60654-1764.

LEON PHILLIPS  9:43 pm Mon, Aug 25, 1997
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response (a cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
Phone: 610-776-8390    FAX:  610-776-8392 e-mail:[log in to unmask]