

Title: ELCA Affirms Lutheran Campus Ministries

October 6, 1997


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America convened a "think tank"
Sept. 19-20 on what it means to be a Lutheran campus ministry at state
and private colleges.  "Campus Ministry exists to assist students in
academic settings to discover and fulfill their vocation in Jesus
Christ," said the Rev. James Carr of the ELCA's Division for Higher
Education and Schools.   Participating campus pastors, university
professionals, bishops and students recommended that "the function of
campus ministry remain located within the division."  The group said,
"Campus ministry needs to show in a measurable way that it is being
accountable for ministry."  Another recommendation was for a
communication plan to articulate the purpose and needs of campus
ministry.  At its Sept. 26-28 meeting, the division's board reviewed
the think tank's report, voted to "strongly affirm" it and transmit it
to the ELCA's Church Council for consideration at its meeting Nov.
14-16.  The think tank was called for by the council at its April
meeting.  It was asked to look at the "purpose, structure and
churchwide location of campus ministry" based on concerns such as
changing student populations, staffing models, training for campus
pastors, programs, advocacy, partnership and funding questions.  "The
value of campus ministry has been expressed to me by non-Lutheran
faculty and university staff as being a moral voice in the life of a
university," said the Rev. Elizabeth A. Platz, campus pastor at the
University of Maryland, College Park.  "The touching of personal
lives, the affirmation of the ELCA being in the arena of education and
ideas, and being rooted in the word and sacrament have been the
strength of campus ministry," said Platz.  She is a member of the
board and served on the think tank. On university campuses across the
country 144 campus pastors and lay professionals minister on behalf of
the ELCA.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]