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LEON PHILLIPS Nov. 12, 1997 at 14:02 Eastern (2483 characters)

It seems like a long time since Hurricane Marilyn left destruction and ruin
in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Indeed, two years and two months have passed.
Lutheran Disaster Response- the cooperative ministry of the ELCA and the
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod- has finished its work of rebuilding and
repairing homes. That work was managed by Lutheran Social Services of the
Virgin Islands, a social ministry organization of our church that continues
to reach out and serve in the Virgin Islands with competence and

But Lutheran recovery efforts are not completed yet in the Virgin Islands.
Gil Furst and I have just returned from a site visit that found the second
phase well underway.... repair and restoration work on our ELCA church
properties.  At Nazareth, St. John, materials have been ordered and mission
builders will be on hand after Thanksgiving to replace the church roof,
badly damaged in the hurricane. Volunteer mission builders will work on
that project until January !  At Frederick, St. Thomas, rebuilding work is
now underway at the historic parsonage.  Essential mortar repair work is
being planned for the church building.  At Reformation, St. Thomas, a
foundation has been laid for the new church sanctuary and plans are
completed for the remainder of the building. Everyone hopes that work will
start soon.

About $160,000 of ELCA Domestic Disaster Response funds will be used in
this last phase of Virgin Islands recovery,to help rebuild our churches.
The last of these expenses will be paid by January 31, nearly 29 months
after Hurricane Marilyn's night of terror.

The church's disaster response ministry doesn't stop when a disaster
disappears from CNN and is off the front page.  Many congregations and
individuals, by volunteering their labor and contributing generously, have
made it possible for ELCA Domestic Disaster Response to "stay the course"
through the long and challenging recovery in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Thank you for that support and commitment.  And keep in your prayers the
renewed and strengthened ministry of our congregations in these islands,
for you yourselves have been part of that renewal.

Leon Phillips   9:57 am  Wed, Nov 12, 1997
ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society)
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
532 St.John St.  Allentown  PA  18103  Phone 610-776-8390  FAX 776-8392
    Visit ELCA Domestic Disaster Homepage