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LEON PHILLIPS Nov. 16, 1997 at 17:21 Eastern (1980 characters)

Almost 100 families in Grand Forks (ND) and another 90 families in East
Grand Forks( MN) are on Lutheran Disaster Response's "waiting list" for
help in repairing their homes. Whether they can get back in their homes
over the coming months depends on the availability of volunteers.  The
long list of people waiting for help was only one of the urgent needs
reported at a planning meeting this week of state coordinators and social
ministry executives from North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota.

In South Dakota there are homes still unable to pump water out of their
basements because of the high water table, reported Rose Korman, S.D. state
LDR/LSS coordinator.  More than 400 farm family members in Central South
Dakota are still making use of the Food Bank there, and LDR/LSS is trucking
in food.

Response leaders from all three states reported that plans are well
underway for Christmas dinners and celebrations throughout the flood area.
Contributions to help defray costs of the dinners are being sought, as well
as volunteers to serve them and contributions of gifts for all ages. A
total of 21,000 people will be invited to the dinners and celebrations,
which will be held at more than thirty separate sites, including the Devils
Lake, ND, reservation.

"We need help through these long winter months," we heard. Help to repair
homes.  Help to send a message of care and hope at Christmas time. Help to
renew lives and lift spirits.

If you can help.... to volunteer or to contribute to the Christmas project,
call 800-987-0061.

To help support the Upper Midwest Disaster Response ministry: ELCA Domestic
Disaster Response/ PO BOX 71764/ Chicago, IL 60694.

LEON PHILLIPS  4:54 pm Sun, Nov 16, 1997
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response( Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response ( a cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
Phone:  610-776-8390    FAX:  610-776-8392
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