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LEON PHILLIPS Nov. 25, 1997 at 15:49 Eastern (2440 characters)

The Rev. Dr. Foster McCurley stood on the South prairie overlooking the
bluffs of the Missouri River.  He nonchalantly kicked at the ground beneath
his feat as he listened intently to the seasoned rancher describe last
Spring's blizzard.

"We thought we were over the hump as far as winter was concerned, and then
it happened. It snowed and snowed. The cattle couldn't get to shelter and I
couldn't get out to help. They froze to death. We buried them right here."

The beautiful vista that lay out before them quickly turned ugly with the
stark realization that McCurley, an LDR resource for disaster caregivers
and staff member of LSS South Central PA, was standing with the rancher on
the shallow mass grave of 160 cattle that had perished.

"It could have been worse," said the 78 year old rancher. "I could have
been stuck out here with them."
                                      (From "Keeping In Touch", LSS
                                       S.Central Pennsylvania)

A farm family in north central South Dakota who received Lutheran Disaster
Response funds to help defray added expenses of the disaster wrote: "When
we were told of the generous gifts to us we were overwhelmed.. The past
winter was beyond description.. loss of buildings, using nearly all the
feed, cattle suffering and dying.. probably the most difficult experience
of our lives. You have made a difference in our lives and we now look to
the future with hope."
                                       (from "Being There", newsletter of
                                        LSS South Dakota)

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving ?  I am thankful for the
strength, faith and courage of those who have suffered so much in disasters
this year, for the South Dakota rancher and farm family, and tens of
thousands like them.  I am thankful for those who have poured out their own
love, compassion and caring; for pastors and others who proclaimed the
Gospel, and for volunteers who rebuilt houses, fences, farm sheds, and

And with the whole church I am thankful for the grace of God that upholds
and sustains us all.

Leon Phillips   3:32 pm  Tue, Nov 25, 1997

ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society)
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
532 St.John St.  Allentown  PA  18103  Phone 610-776-8390  FAX 776-8392
    Visit ELCA Domestic Disaster Homepage