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Dear Christian friends,

Leon Phillips (Director for ELCA Domestic Disaster Response and Lutheran
Diaster Response) and I want to pass on to you this update from Melanie
Josephson.  Melanie is our Lutheran Diaster Response coordinator for
Minnesota.  Her message comes in this Advent season as a gift of grace and
of thanks to you and to all who are participating in the ministry of
recovery in the upper Midwest.

On behalf of the thousands of lives being touched by your response -- in
the name of the Lord whose coming we are celebrating -- may you have a
blessed Christmas filled with God's richest blessings.

In Christ,
Gil Furst

 *** Original (but possibly edited) note follows ***

From: MELANIE JOSEPHSON Dec. 18, 1997

                      Glad Tidings in the Upper Midwest

It all began with a vision prompted by so many of you caring individuals
out there who wanted to know what we were going to do for the
disaster-affected individuals and families of Minnesota, North and South
Dakota.  From our LDR field meeting in late September came the idea to host
Christmas dinners in as many of the disaster areas as possible.  It seemed
like such a huge undertaking, but God who is faithful never calls us to do
something that he will not give us the means to accomplish.

It all started with a vision....but because of so many of you - thousands
of became a reality.  On faith, publicity began.  Chistmas
coordinators emerged in each area.  They talked with pastors and survivors
and developed events that would reflect the needs and wishes of each
community.  Volunteers began to call into the 800 number excited about
helping with the events.  Gifts began to trickle in at first, but by the
time of the events, there were massive amounts! Lutheran Brotherhood and
Aid Association for Lutherans made tremendous appeals to their branches who
came forward with volunteers and thousands of dollars to help cover the
costs of the dinners.  RSVP's began to come, exceeding all local

All of the events had their own personality, their own menu.  Some had
elegant brunches, others had turkey and all the trimmings.  Some had
professional muscians as entertainment, others had local school choirs.
Although each was unique, they all had a common message:"Like with Noah,
God is at work to bring new life out of destruction, order out of chaos.
God had not forgotten them in their losses, nor had their brothers and
sisters in Christ."  At all of these events we prayed that God's spirit
would be there, embracing the families at this special time in their

From the smiles, the tears and the thank yous we saw and received, we feel
that the dinners accomplished what we had hoped...that people would feel
remembered and cared for.  You made that all possible. Your gifts of
prayer, time, money or presents helped to make the love of Christ tangible.
For all of this, we are deeply grateful, and honored to have been able to
provide a channel through which this could happen.

There is still a long road to go for recovery in the Upper Midwest, but you
helped to make the road a little shorter and smoother for thousands of
those on the journey.

On behalf of Lutheran Disaster Response in Minnesota and North and South
Dakota, thank you!

(We will publish a report with all of the communities, the number served,
volunteers etc. soon after the last events Dec. 20th.)

Melanie Josephson, Lutheran Disaster Response of Minnesota
                   Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
                   2485 Como Ave.
                   St. Paul, MN 55108, Phone 1-800-987-0061

 ***  End of original note ***

GILBERT B. FURST (written on Fri, Dec 19, 1997, at  3:48 pm)
Associate Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response
Internet address: [log in to unmask]
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