

Title: Cooper-White Heads ELCA Synodical Relations

December 4, 1997


The Rev. Michael Cooper-White, 47, was
re-appointed to a second four-year term as
director of the Department for Synodical Relations
for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at
a meeting of its Church Council in Chicago Nov.
14-16.  The Department for Synodical Relations
provides staff services for the ELCA's Conference
of Bishops, conducts the first call assignments
for about 400 seminary candidates each year, and
coordinates the work of churchwide units and
regions in relation to the churches 65 synods.
Cooper-White came to his position in 1994.  He
also continues to serve as an executive assistant
to the presiding bishop of the ELCA.  In addition
to serving these two positions, Cooper-White is an
advisory member to the ELCA's Division for
Outreach and Division for Ministry boards, and to
the steering committee of the Commission for
Multicultural Ministries.  Cooper-White graduated
from Concordia College in 1971.  Concordia is one
of the 28 colleges and universities associated
with the ELCA.  He attended the Lutheran
Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and the
Lutheran House of Studies in Washington, D.C.,
and graduated in 1976.  Cooper-White began his
ordained ministry as a pastor at Angelica Lutheran
Church, Los Angeles, from 1976 to 1981.  He is the
author of numerous articles, devotional and
ecumenical materials.  His wife, Pamela, is an
Episcopal priest serving in a parish and as a
pastoral counselor at Lutheran General Hospital,
Park Ridge, Ill.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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