

To: [log in to unmask]

Dear friends in Christ,

We have received many calls regarding the ice storms in upstate New York
and New England.  We are closely watching the situation, and are in contact
with the bishops' offices.  Here is a brief report from Leon Phillips
regarding that situation.  We will pass on more information about our
shivering brothers and sisters in the Northeast as soon as we have it.

In Christ,
Gil Furst

 *** Original (but possibly edited) note follows ***

98.20910 by LEON PHILLIPS, Jan. 14, 1998 at 11:29 Eastern

The situation following ice storms in New England and Upstate New York
continues to be difficult in those places where electric power has not yet
been restored.  Contact by telephone, especially in the stricken New York
areas, is almost impossible in many places. Both synods and social ministry
organizations have experienced difficulty contacting area pastors.

Lutheran Disaster Response has been small grants available for this
emergency, and will continue to monitor longterm needs and communication
improves.  We will all want to pray that power will soon be restored, and
that people may then return to undamaged homes. We will keep you posted as
there is further news.

Leon Phillips  11:17 am  Wed, Jan 14, 1998
ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society)
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
532 St.John St.  Allentown  PA  18103  Phone 610-776-8390  FAX 776-8392
    Visit ELCA Domestic Disaster Homepage

 ***  End of original note ***

GILBERT B. FURST (written on Wed, Jan 14, 1998, at 11:59 pm)
Associate Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response
Internet address: [log in to unmask]
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