

To: [log in to unmask]

LEON PHILLIPS Apr. 12, 1998 at 13:12 Eastern (1482 characters)

ELCA Domestic Disaster Response will respond to tornadoes that struck
Georgia and Alabama, leaving fatalities in both states.  The response will
be through our commmon ministry with Lutheran Church Missouri Synod,
Lutheran Disaster Response. Response efforts will be managed by Lutheran
Ministries of Georgia, whose president, Pastor Gary Danielsen, has already
begun assessment and response.   In Alabama, Mr. Eldon Zimmerman and LSS
Alabama will work with Lutheran Ministries of Georgia to respond in the
Alabama affected areas.

ELCA Domestic Disaster Response will also work closely with the
Southeastern Synod as they seek to rally members and congregations to the
response efforts, and to provide other support.

Many areas devastated by the tornadoes are closed to relief efforts until
at least Monday, because of dangerous debris that must be removed.

Though it has been an extraordinary month of suffering for so many people
in so many places, we are so bold as to celebrate today the victorious
resurrection of a Lord who stands with his people for all time. Those who
suffer will be supported by his grace.  Those who respond will be his arms
and healing hands.

LEON PHILLIPS 12:58 pm Sun, Apr 12, 1998
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response( Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response ( a cooperative ministry of ELCA and LCMS)
Phone:  610-776-8390    FAX:  610-776-8392
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