

Title: ELCA Launches "Libro De Liturgia Y Cantico"

May 28, 1998


     LEVITTOWN, Puerto Rico (ELCA) -- Members of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America have a new Spanish-language worship book designed to fulfill
the needs of congregations in North, South and Central America, Mexico and the
Caribbean.  The ELCA introduced "Libro de Liturgia y Cantico" (Book of Liturgy
and Song) here May 23 at a gathering of more than 300 lay leaders, musicians
and clergy.
     "Libro de Liturgia y Cantico is a gift from the Lord.  It is like having
a birthday and receiving many gifts with the book being the best gift," said
the Rev. Mario C. Miranda, Betania Lutheran Church, Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
"The worship book provides the opportunity for Spanish-speaking people to
address God in a way that is natural, and God speaks back to us in the same
language."  Miranda, a member of the ELCA Church Council, took part in the
     The book was developed by a group of Latino theologians, musicians and
liturgists, said Evelyn B. Soto, ELCA director for culture-specific resources.
"Libro de Liturgia y Cantico includes a rich liturgical section for Sunday and
weekday worship, as well as a collection of hymns in a variety of music styles
from Latin America.  The liturgies and music are representative of territories
like Central and South America, Mexico and the Spanish Caribbean."  The hard-cover
book contains 624 songs.
     "For hundreds of years the Anglo church shared its materials and worship
resources with Hispanic Lutherans.  It was up to us to translate them from
English to Spanish," said Angel M. Mattos, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Bayamon.
"This time we want to share music and liturgies from the many Hispanic
communities with the entire Lutheran church community.  About 30 percent of
the hymns in Libro de Liturgia y Cantico have text available in English."
Mattos led the event in Puerto Rico and served as project manager for the
book's production.
     "There are many Hispanic communities, each with a different cultural
background," said Miranda.  "Some communities have roots in South America in
countries like Argentina, Peru and Ecuador.  There are also Spanish-speaking
communities located in the United States.  Libro de Liturgia y Cantico will
help foster unity among the many different groups of Spanish-speaking people
that have migrated to North America."
     "What better way to praise God than with music that is in my language
and rhythm that is reflective of my way of life," said Liza Canino,
Reconciliation Lutheran Church, Bayamon.
     "I plan to share this book with other young people, especially if we
want to continue traditions with future generations," said Canino.  "Knowing
that there are people elsewhere in the world learning to sing songs featured
in the book gives me a great sense of hope of what our church is to become."
     At Divino Salvador Lutheran Church, Catano, Puerto Rico, Libro de
Liturgia y Cantico is already in use.  "The book is indeed a gift from God for
our community," said the Rev. Carmelo Nieves-Canino.  "The people sitting in
the pew, those who may not have participation in the direction of the service,
have accepted the book with love.  When members listen to music from their
land -- as well as from brothers and sisters in other communities -- it helps
them take ownership of the worship and adoration."
     "Before Libro de Liturgia y Cantico, my congregation pulled music from
books purchased in stores, from other church bodies and music that I have
composed for use in our Sunday worship.  With this new worship resource, the
needs of my congregation will be met," said Judy Santiago, organist for Divino
     "We are part of the same church.  Although we speak a different
language, we pray and worship the same God.  We want to be together," said the
Rev. Francisco L. Sosa, bishop of the ELCA's Caribbean Synod.  "We are the new
immigrants to the United States.  We do not come from Europe, but from Latin
America, Mexico and the Caribbean.  Essentially, we are repeating what Germans
and other people from Europe did 200 to 300 years ago, which is to bring and
share our own culture."
     Thirteen other events will be held this summer in the United States to
present the book to church leaders, musicians and clergy.  The events are
designed to demonstrate how Libro de Liturgia y Cantico can be used.  Each
participant will receive a copy of the book along with a 30-minute audio
cassette.  Libro de Liturgia y Cantico is published by Augsburg Fortress
Publishers, the publishing house of the ELCA, based in Minneapolis.
     Libro de Liturgia y Cantico was produced by the ELCA's Division for
Congregational Ministries and the Commission for Multicultural Ministries.  It
was funded in part by the Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation, a fraternal
benefits organization based in Minneapolis.

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or [log in to unmask]