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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I've spent these last two days in Birmingham, Alabama, in meetings with
Eldon Zimmerman (disaster coordinator for Lutheran Ministries of Alabama),
Norma Stagner (LMA president), and also Bishop Robert Miller and Father
Bill King (Episcopal Diocese of Alabama).  Before my "formal" meetings
began, Eldon and I revisited the community of McDonald's Chapel, where
Lutheran Disaster Response has been at work since Holy Week in April.
That's when a devastating "category 5" tornado ripped through the
Birmingham area, heavily damaging 800 houses and totally destroying 465

As we stopped on a hilltop overlooking this small community, I could see
that clear progress has been made since my visit last month.  Most (but not
all) debris has been hauled away; most (but not all) of the huge downed
trees have been segmented and removed; many (but not all) of the damaged
houses have been repaired, or torn down and are gone.  At one point we
looked at an open hole where someone's basement had supported a house.
Just down the hill, volunteers were helping homeowners rebuild what was
left of their house after the tornado.

The diocesan newspaper, "The Apostle," describes the situation in these
words: "The survivors who still need assistance have been coping for three
months with broken windows, roof damage, dampness, mold, mildew, and now
unbearably hot weather.  They are stretched to the limit physically,
mentally, and emotionally.  They desperately need someone to help them pick
up the pieces of their shattered lives."

Lutheran Disaster Response, in partnership with the ELCA Synod, LCMS
District, and the Episcopal Diocese, continues to provide volunteers and
case workers for the people who are still struggling to meet basic life
needs as well as facing the long task of recovery and rebuilding.

You can help continue the recovery efforts in Alabama with your prayer
support, contributions, and volunteering.

TO VOLUNTEER (through September): Call Trish Neal, 1-205-786-2316

TO CONTRIBUTE:  ELCA Domestic Disaster Response
                PO Box 71764
                Chicago, IL 60694-1764

Yours in Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST  (written on Sat, Aug 22, 1998, at 11:52 am)
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LCMS)
8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631  PHONE: 773-380-2822  FAX: 773-380-2493
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