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Dear friends in Christ,

Lutheran Disaster Response is responding to the needs resulting from the
Rio Grande River flooding on Monday, August 24, in the southern Texas towns
of Eagle Pass and Del Rio.  First reports indicate that up to 400 homes
were severely damaged or condemned, $10 million damage has occurred, and at
least six deaths have been verified.  The storm is a result of Tropical
Storm Charley, which dumped more than 18 inches of rain on the area in a
24-hour period -- nearly a year's worth of rain in a single day.

Lutheran Social Services of the South (the Rev. Norman Hein, disaster
coordinator), is managing the LDR response, along with the Texas District
(Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) and the Southwestern Texas Synod
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).  Emergency funds have already
been distributed through the local Lutheran churches to assist individuals
affected by the high waters.  A meeting is being held today to assess the
situation and to organize an interfaith long-term response.

You can help by sending contributions to the ELCA Domestic Disaster
Response Fund, P.O. Box # 71764, Chicago, Illinois 60694-1764.

As we watch Hurricane Bonnie approach the Carolina coast, please remember
and keep in your prayers our brothers and sisters in Texas whose lives have
been affected by this latest natural disaster.

In Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST  (written on Wed, Aug 26, 1998, at 11:53 am)
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LCMS)
8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631  PHONE: 773-380-2822  FAX: 773-380-2493
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