

To: [log in to unmask]

Dear friends in Christ,

Please read this report I received today from the Rev. Norman C. Hein.
Pastor Hein (Vice-President for Chaplaincy and Disaster Response for
Lutheran Social Services of the South) is our Lutheran Disaster Response
coordinator for the Del Rio, Texas, flood response.

 *** Original (but possibly edited note) follows ***

September 8, 1998

A simple wooden cross sits high on a pile of rubble, another cross on the
damaged porch of a flood-torn home marking the loss of a friend and loved
one.  Cardboard signs mark places where other people died as a result of
Tropical Storm Charley's path of destruction through the normally quiet
community of Del Rio.

Driving down a street one sees two red "x"s on many houses, which means
they are condemned.  A family is there placing a few items into a small
box.  The losses -- loved ones, friends, home, belongings, and memories --
are part of the quiet that rests over several areas of this community.

Loss and life-giving support of new life is the contrast this morning in
Del Rio.  The spirit is strong.  This morning at the meeting of the
voluntary agencies the encouraging words were the closing of the Red Cross
shelter.  All families have been placed in temporary housing.  FEMA
reported that 16 manufactured homes have been positioned, three tied down
and the contract for hook-ups to be signed by noon.  The Baptist Men and
Salvation Army reported that 250,000 meals have been served in the last two
weeks.  The volume has decreased in the last day and there are plans to
consolidate and scale back their operations.  The distribution center will
experience change a from Salvation Army management to local management.

Lutheran Disaster Response is focusing on two areas of support.  First, the
Bethel Center, which is providing flood relief along with their ongoing
ministry of emergency assistance, had roof damage from the storm.  The
water damaged some of their food and clothing.  Grace Lutheran and Cristo
El Salvadore Lutheran Church are both active supporters of this ecumenical
center.  LDR has taken the responsibility to provide a new roof for Bethel
Center.  Through special contributions, matching funds from AAL and LB, in
cooperation with volunteer labor from Lutherans across Texas and the
nation, LDR plans to re-roof Bethel Center.  Second, LDR will identify
several families affected by the flood and provide the resources, both
money and volunteer labor, to help restore these families.

Thank you for your continued support of Disaster Response ministry
throughout the U.S.  Your prayers are felt.  A representative of the Red
Cross who has worked through many disasters said, "I feel something
different about this time - the sense that there is someone outside of all
of us who is helping to bring together this community, these people, to
experience help, healing and hope."  God's Spirit is really active in this


Norm adds that in the next months many persons will become "Winter Texans,"
who are asked to consider coming to Del Rio for a week or two during their
stay in Texas to work in the recovery program.  At the moment,
self-contained volunteers can be used for repairs and rebuilding.

TO VOLUNTEER:   Please contact Sue Feierabend, 1-800-6775-5797

TO CONTRIBUTE:  Please send your contributions to

    ELCA Domestic Disaster Response - "floods"
    PO Box 71764
    Chicago, Illinois 60694-1764

        Credit card gift line:  1-800-638-3522

    LCMS World Relief
    P.O. Box 66861
    St. Louis, MO 63166-9810

        Credit card gift line:  1-888-930-4438

Please continue your support of prayers, volunteering, and contributions.
Please continue to witness that God's Spirit is alive and active in the
lives of people who are living with the results of this flooding.

In Christ,
Gil Furst

GILBERT B. FURST  (written on Wed, Sep  9, 1998, at  2:43 pm)
Director, ELCA Domestic Disaster Response (Division for Church in Society),
Lutheran Disaster Response (A cooperative ministry of the ELCA and LCMS)
8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago 60631  PHONE: 773-380-2822  FAX: 773-380-2493
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